Saturday, March 25, 2006

You won't regret ... FilmLoop

I just stumbled over FilmLoop after I started eventually reading my NAPP newsletter from December 2005: Get in the Loop with New FilmLoop...
You may aksed what it is: FilmLoop is a free photocasting network (PC and Mac). It lets you share and broadcast photos with family, friends, and others. You don't have to send huge email attachments or have to create a web photo gallery in order to share your new pics with your loved ones. FilmLoop will take care of it. You can create as many FilmLoops as you want and other people can even add photos (or download) from their side if the "starter" allows this action.
See a quick tour here

I am really excited to test how it all goes and works. So I have already set up my "First Loop Ever" *** and will now try to find some "members" who would like to join my photo network... If you have already started and got some results and experience, please let me know your thoughts and opinion.
[*** If you do not have the player yet, you will be guided through the installation of the player]

Download software
Get public FilmLoops
Find answers on the FilmLoop blog

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Whoa: Environment Protection Breakthrough

As of February 2006, residence of California are required to recycle common household items that are deemed hazardous to people and the environment. Households and small businesses had been granted a four year exemption which ended Feb 9, 2006.
Press Release
Since Feb 9, 2006 residents of California may not toss any universal waste products in the trash under the law. Failure to properly dispose of any universal waste product pursuant to the law may subject the resident to fines and penalties.

[ Throwing away a single aluminum can, versus recycling it, is like pouring out six ounces of gasoline ]

In 1999, when I moved here, I was very much shocked about the fact that all trash goes in one and the same bin! Where I come from each household has at least three different garbage containers. #1 for organic garbage; #2 for so called "green dot" material (material marked with a recycling symbol - translated as green dot); #3 for all remaining trash that cannot be assigned to a certain "trash category". Moreover, paper of all kinds have to be disposed separately; glass and aluminum cans can be returned to the store for a fair refund (money which ones pays on top of the actual purchase price first - around 50 cents per item). And of course all the trash which belongs into the hazardous category needs to be disposed at certain locations. Some cities even make residents pay for the weight of trash they produce. (Weighing trash at pick-up via micro chips placed on the garbage container).

After I have been been drilled in waste separation for the last 15 to 20 years, you may now be able to imagine that it has been terrifying for me to just toss all trash in one container: Organic leftovers go with batteries, plastic, and medication in one huge pool...

[ Every Sunday 500,000 trees could be saved if everyone recycled their newspapers ]

In Germany, the most important rule is: Don't bring home "garbage" in the first place: People leave certain packaging material already in the stores; whereas the stores have to provide according waste bins. Consumer bring boxes, fabric bags or may even reuse plastic bags to carry groceries home. Stores provide plastic bags for a price of 25 cents per piece, so you better bring some kind of container to get your stuff home...

Why Recycle and Statistics
[ You could watch more than two and half hours of television programming with the energy saved from recycling one
aluminum can ]

Although I think the whole recycling topic is way overdone in my country, I am glad that people here start putting more emphasis on the environmental protection. To be honest, the very little things can already make a huge difference. And it is really time to start protecting and to stop unnecessary damaging.

What you can do:
1. Separate hazardous waste from the rest (Batteries, computer monitors, cell phones, television, fluorescent light bulbs, material/objects contain mercury, radios, video cassette recorder, microwave ovens contain lead, cadmium, chromium, and copper.
2. Try to avoid producing trash by reusing plastic bags.
3. Separate waste if according containers are provided - Recycling programs have been started in many locations (e.g. at college, Whole Foods Market, - check your companies)
4. Recycle (see list for materials that can be used for recycling: What to recycle
5. Buy recycled
6. Making every day earth day! Stay informed and up to date

Related links:
Earth 911 Very informative site
Environmental Services Santa Clarita
Where to recycle [ search by zip code ]

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

US Chess Championship 2006

The US Chess Championship took place March 2-12, 2006 in San Diego, CA. The two finalists were Alexander Onischuk vs. Yury Shulman. Eventually, Alexander Onischuk went home with $25,000 more in his pockets.

Not that I know anything about chess, but I went to San Diego to watch the championships anyway. Well, I did it just for and with my husband who really likes and enjoys the game. I will never understand what makes this game so interesting for him and all the others who spend hours in front off a board - predicting what the next move of the opponent might be. For me it was interesting in a different way: watching people, taking pictures, reading players' profiles, and enjoying the city...

Offical US Chess Championship Site
Osetra - the fishhouse [ very good seafood restaurant ]

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Nothing New

Nothing new or exciting happened lately. That's the reason why I haven't posted anything new so far. Right now, I am working on re-designing my website. I am struggling a lot, for I came up with a new look, but at this point am already tired of the "new" layout. I am wondering if I should just go through with it and use it or if I indeed should start from scratch...

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Snow Chaos in Southern Germany

On February 11th, I have already mentioned that Germany had received a huge amount of snow this winter. Today it seems that this was just the start of a nightmare, for it has gotten even worse within the last few days. Last night, Munich for instance has undergone one of the strongest snow falls in years.

Although the scenery looks beautiful - clean and peaceful - this great amount of snow brings a lot of problems. Roof tops threaten to break under the weight - entire houses are even vanished. Streets cannot be freed from the white layer which makes it impossible for people to reach their work place - public transportation is unavailable. Ski season has been interrupted, for the fact that there is too much snow - so far 4 meters (158 in) of snow have been reported at the "Feldberg". Right now it seems there isn't any easing of tension to be expected.

Gallery [ ]

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Skype Movies

Why you should start sharing... Skype provides four short movies on this topic and the motto is Sharing is good!
Check out Skype